'My current PHYSIQUE UPDATE | Bikini Body Progress | #shorts'

'My current PHYSIQUE UPDATE | Bikini Body Progress | #shorts'
00:31 May 24, 2024
'This is my PHYSIQUE UPDATE. It has been a while since i did it and today was the day.  Currently i am doing STRENGTH TRAINING 3x per week, mostly full body and lower body focused and 2x HIIT CARDIO workouts per week. The rest is my yoga and mobility, which i do whenever i feel the need. My training style has always been intuitive and i never followed strict BODY BUILDING SPLITS but i rather follow \'how I feel that day\" approach. If i am still sore i will train the opposite muscle groups. I will never force my body to the training if i haven\'t fully recovered no matter the schedules workout. This is flexible training style and it has always worked for me the best. Currently i am in maintenance phase and I don\'t cut or don\'t bulk (basically i never went into either of them). What i have changed is my sport nutrition. I have discovered HERBALIFE NUTRITION and it has literally changed my training performance and recovery.  WORKOUT WITH ME on a DAILY BASIS:  https://fitnessbymaya.com/  WORKOUT PROGRAMS: https://fitnessbymaya.com/  PERSONAL TRAINING send me DM to INSTAGRAM account:  FOLLOW ME ON IG: @fitness.by.maya  Enjoy my Bikini Body Physique Update!  #physiqueupdate #bikinibodyphysique #bikinibody' 

Tags: physique update , weight loss motivation , Herbalife nutrition , physique transformation , Herbalife , bikini body transformation , herbalife weight loss , physique motivation , bikini physique , physique update bikini , physique update female , physique update muscle , bikini body gym , physique update girl , physique update woman , physique update posing , bikini physique update , bikini fitness transformation , mayas fitness , aesthetic physique transformation , lean physique transformation

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